RL Success Journal

Here are the piece and parcel that make up all the little precious and joyous footsteps of my motherhood life in pursue of happiness and success...


The End of Nightmare!

Things weren't going really well for Jayden as well as for mommy in school. It has been 4 tiring months since Jayden was enrolled. Throughout the passed 4 months, I have been feeling extra guilty whenever I saw Jayden was fighting with the exhaustion after school. Worse, due to my exhaustion too, my temperament has gone so wild that sometimes I could no longer control it. This was further excellerated and worsen as there were some unfavorable incidents happened to me at school. :(

There were many times that I, unknowingly or I'd say.. unconsciously, threw tantrum on my little child.. this especially made me feel superb guilty. Anger and frustration were diverted to Jayden with scolding, staring, glaring, shaking, shouting, screaming.. arghh.. you name it.. Everytime I threw my tantrum I feel extra guilty that I cried most of the nights. I'm kinda worried that it will somehow turn me into depression again.

Looking back, I felt myself like a devil. Flashing back how I treated my beloved Jayden way before I decided to put him to school, I saw a huge distinction. No wonder Jayden had been smiling lesser compared to when he was younger!!! :'( Well, all the nightmare was finally put into an end. I decided to quit school, for both Jayden and me.

It's been almost 2 weeks since we left SAL. And what's better, I think we have slowly settled with the new routine back to where we were before starting school. And not just that, Jayden is obviously smiling more.. laughing more.. Yes my laughing Buddha is back!!! Nevertheless he is hardly cranky nowadays as he gets his rest! :o)

I seriously think that I have made the right decision. :o)

1 comment:

Tandanie said...

I would said that you have a wrong start... It shouldn't be this way... But glad you made a good decision in favour of Jayden.
Ooo... maybe we can plan play-dates. Let me see what I can plan on this!