RL Success Journal

Here are the piece and parcel that make up all the little precious and joyous footsteps of my motherhood life in pursue of happiness and success...


Soooooooooooooo CUTE!!!!!

I can never forget the anxious, eager, 'ganjiong' look on Jayden's face. Jayden was alone in the bedroom when suddenly he rushed out to the living room looking for me with my phone on his hand, and talked in a language that I was yet to understand!!!

I can tell that it should be my phone ringing and he wanna tell me that I have an incoming call! However, instead of making it Mommy-knows-it-all, I pretended to be shocked and not knowing anything by asking him "Oh.. what is it Jayden???"

He became more anxious and walked even faster, if he could, he would have run!! And the look on his face was SooooooooOOOOoooooo CUTE!! When he handed the phone to me, I was like "Oh my phone is ringing!! Thank you so much Jayden!!"

And guess what's next??? He clapped his hands and give me a huge heart melting SMILE!!!! Awwwwwwwww.... I was super melted!! He was just tooOOOooooo CUTE!!! :o)

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