RL Success Journal

Here are the piece and parcel that make up all the little precious and joyous footsteps of my motherhood life in pursue of happiness and success...


5th tooth

Very soon.. I will not be counting Jayden's tooth I guess.. Hehehe.. About 3days ago, if I am not mistaken, Jayden has his 5th tooth cut through on his upper left gum. Finally, there is a tooth cutting without having to wait for the earlier tooth fully grown!! :P

Jayden has been drooling a lot again, I am very sure it is due to teething. He seems to be quite contented lately especially when he can bite some of the harder food with his two short-rows of mini teeth. :P

However, midnight wake-ups are too much troubles for mommy. 4days ago, Jayden was waking up like every hourly. Both mommy and Jayden suffered a lot. And due to that, mommy has been suffering from serious migraine for 4 freaking days and it is still not going away!!!! :(

I really hope the migraine will say bye bye to me asap!!!

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