RL Success Journal

Here are the piece and parcel that make up all the little precious and joyous footsteps of my motherhood life in pursue of happiness and success...


Puzzles Fun

Mommy falls in love with this puzzle at the first sight.. Without giving it a second thought, I bought this set of words puzzle for who else but my little son. :o)

It was quite disappointing when I gave this little present to him during his birthday because he didn't even wanna look at it.. Yea, I lost it to the forklifts and truck set gift from his fav GuGu (Aunty)..

But disappointment didn't last long! Soon enough, this puzzle set has taken precede and become his favorite after a few days time.. :o)

Now, you will find him spending most of his time with the puzzle set throughout the day.. Yup, he never gets bored of it which is soooo COOL!! Hehehe.. :o)

And guess what, even while I am blogging now, he is enjoying his puzzle time.. Hehehe.. :P

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