RL Success Journal

Here are the piece and parcel that make up all the little precious and joyous footsteps of my motherhood life in pursue of happiness and success...


Constructing 3 words sentence

I am very glad that Jayden seems to be communicating better in what seemed like a quick pace to me.. He has also picked up a lot of words like dirty, toll, potty, table, yummy, tiger, hippo, stop, move, Barney, and many many things and his favorite characters' names.

Not just that, Jayden starts to have more expression in words and also begins to construct 2 to 3 words sentence such as:
1. mommy daddy go (means mommy and daddy go)
2. red car go (means the red car is going - normally he regards red car to daddy's car)
3. red... stop!! green.. move!! (or green.. go)
4. mommy, bitbit, hold it (means mommy, hold the forklift)
5. yum... nice (when he eats something he likes, he will say yum followed by nice!)
6. dogdog eat yum (meand doggie eats yummy food)

The list sure goes longer than this but I just need time to recall everything that he has ever said.. And this is worsen by my slow memory lately.. I mean it, for some reason, my memory has gotten worse since last week and I don't know why..

All in all, I am again a happy mommy seeing my little angelic boy is getting more confident in talking now.. It's such a pleasure!! :o)

1 comment:

Peggy said...

Haha! Kaiden also says "Red...Stop!" and "Green...Go!"