RL Success Journal

Here are the piece and parcel that make up all the little precious and joyous footsteps of my motherhood life in pursue of happiness and success...


Unhappy Mother's Day

Yesterday, I bought a small jelly cake for myself. It's Mother's Day today!! :o)

I thought of a simple no-celebration at home just with the jelly cake for all of us as a symbol of celebration. The time came just now, I took out the cake, put on the accessories (candle & MD's tag) and lit on the candle (syok sendiri heh!!!).

Jayden started singing "Happy Birthday" song enthusiastically (you know he is singing this song despite all the missing word and funny rhymes. I am very happy. Immediately I tried to record it in my phone camera, recording Jayden, Daddy and the cake.

However, I was shunned away with a very unfriendly half-shouting tone from Daddy saying "Why the hell are you recording? I haven't even combed my hair!!"

I was very hurt indeed. :'( It's not like I am going to post it to the public for viewing. I just wanna keep a copy for myself to remember the day. It's also the first time Jayden sang me a Happy Birthday song. Well, at least this is something I am happy and gratitude about.

Anyway.. it's passed. Let's just say it's the most unhappy Mother's Day I have ever had.

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