RL Success Journal

Here are the piece and parcel that make up all the little precious and joyous footsteps of my motherhood life in pursue of happiness and success...


Third Tooth @ 17 Months

Finally, at 17 months, Jayden is having his third tooth!! Yay!!!

His third tooth started to become obvious when we were out shopping for the Nikon D5000 today.. Right after Mommy confirmed the purchase, Mommy saw some white stuffs on Jayden upper gum..

Initially, Mommy was wondering if the white stuff is a tooth.. but for some reasons, Mommy assured herself that it must be an illusion, or perhaps it's just Jayden's saliva reflecting the light or something. However, there was an urge asking Mommy to take a second look.. and Voila!!! There was really a baby tooth!!! :o)

Ummm.. it has been a few months of waiting and finally the tooth is growing again!!! It seems like Jayden is going to continue his journey of more teeth growing.. :o)

1 comment:

Peggy said...

maybe try to increase his calcium intake - this will help with his teeth growth!