RL Success Journal

Here are the piece and parcel that make up all the little precious and joyous footsteps of my motherhood life in pursue of happiness and success...


Chocolate Lover

Jayden loves chocolate, just like Mommy does. The first time I introduced chocolate to Jayden was about half a year ago, when a friend brought back some allergy free chocolates for me from overseas. Jayden fell in love with chocolates as soon as he had his first bite on it.. :o)

I had been wanting to made some hot chocolate for myself for the passed 2 or 3 months and for some reasons I remembered about "hot chocolate" when I was not craving, and I just forgot all about it when I was craving for chocolates!!!

Finally, today I made myself the very first cup of hot chocolate due to my crave for chocs has overtaken my forgetful memory and laziness.. Little did I know that Jayden loves hot chocolate too!!

The love for chocolates is in the blood of ours.. Hehehe.. :o)

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