RL Success Journal

Here are the piece and parcel that make up all the little precious and joyous footsteps of my motherhood life in pursue of happiness and success...


J the Baker

I guess my little prince learns things really fast now, just by simple observations.

Today he shocked and amazed me with his skills working with the oven, without me guiding and teaching him prior to this. He must have learned it by observing me baking and working with the oven, well, in fact, he is hardly there as I only bake during his nap time!!! The only time he might see me with the oven will be... when I am checking on the cookies/cakes when he woke up early, which is relatively rare.

To cut the story short, what happened today was when Jayden and I were watching his favorite nursery rhymes this evening, the oven went "DING"!!! I was puzzled and confused as I didn't remember that I was baking at all!!

However, doubting my memory and unwillingly taking such risk, I rushed to the oven hastily just to find a water jug sitting in the oven.. Then I found out that Jayden has turned the timer on and put the water jug in the oven..

The relief thing is that I always kept the oven unplugged so it is not as dangerous as it may seem. :o)

Thus, may I present to you the Baker of the day...... Mr Jayden Ong!!!

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