RL Success Journal

Here are the piece and parcel that make up all the little precious and joyous footsteps of my motherhood life in pursue of happiness and success...


Dancing King!!

JJ loves dancing!!! It's all started on Saturday, if I am not mistaken. Initially when I spotted him dancing, I was wondering what did he do.. and I was singing The Itsy Bitsy Spider Song at that time.. LOL!!! It suddenly came to my conscious that he was dancing.. It was soooo funny! :P

I am very sure that JJ picks up his dancing moves from school. His friends are all older than him (yes, he is the youngest in the whole school!) and most of them will make some moves when we sing, either clap their hands, move their bods, shake their heads, etc.

And JJ is not only clapping hands now (finally!), but he will shake his head and move his bod! Not just that, he will also move his left hand and right hand when he dances! I wish I have my camera handy whenever he dances but I always miss it!! He doesn't dance for a long time, just a quick move before he gave me his ~~killer's smile~~ hehehe.. :P

Oh just a quick addition to today's bathing time.. JJ dance while he was bathing too.. he stood up and bounce his legs in beats.. It was really hilarious!! Oh dear he brought so much smiles to me lately.. Hehehe

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