RL Success Journal

Here are the piece and parcel that make up all the little precious and joyous footsteps of my motherhood life in pursue of happiness and success...


The Miracle of Jade??

My sister in law suggested that we try to let JJ wear a green jade and see if he can sleep better at night. Well, reason being that she learned it from someone else, and it works like a miracle on her daughter.

Having known that, we have bought a small jade for Jayden. But I have been keeping it for months because I need to send it to the gold smith to add a hook on it as well as to buy a necklace for JJ to wear it.

She mentioned to me later that it has to be a green jade, dark green preferably.. well, it was too late cuz I have already bought a green jade, but it is light green. Anyway, let's see how things turn out.

Finally, we got it done on last week Friday. JJ has been wearing it for a few days now and it seems like it really works very well!! On the first nite JJ wore it, he woke up 4times. On the second nite, he woke up 3times. Let's fingers cross that he will be a good boy again and sleep as much as he can at nite!! :o)

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