RL Success Journal

Here are the piece and parcel that make up all the little precious and joyous footsteps of my motherhood life in pursue of happiness and success...


Mama & Baba

It's been 2days continuously JJ has been calling "mama" everytime he looks for me for a hug.. and "baba" when he sees daddy too.. though it is still a bit inconsistent, but he got it right most of the time! I believe JJ will be calling us accurately by Chinese New Year? Hehehe.. :o)

I'm amazed and surprised at how each and every baby learns to relate "mama" and "baba" to parents, despite the language spoken are so different.. i.e. we taught him Daddy and Mommy instead of "baba" and "mama".. well.. we did teach him "mama" and "baba" occasionally for the fun of it, perhaps he remembered. :P Then, how should we explain other ethnics that speaks completely different language? The babies still couldn't run away from calling "mama" and "baba/papa". Hehehe

Today I let JJ played in the living room.. and JJ wanna hug hug so he said "mama".. MIL was so happy because she thought JJ was calling her "mama" when he wanna be carried.. well.. Grandma is pronounced as "mama" in Cantonese.. :P

1 comment:

Tandanie said...

Hold on there...Yes! J is playing with the sounds of Mama and Baba and later will associate with calling Mama/Papa if you relate it to him.
And of course Mama is easier than Mummy and Papa is so much easier than Daddy...