RL Success Journal

Here are the piece and parcel that make up all the little precious and joyous footsteps of my motherhood life in pursue of happiness and success...


Fighting Sleeps

Lately, I found that Jayden has been having hard time sleeping.. I guess it is the symptom of the well-known "preschoolers fighting sleep syndrome".

Not only he tends to sleep very late, he is also having hard time sleeping. Like yesterday, he was struggling to sleep from 10pm till almost 12am before dozing off!! The day before, we went to bed at 9pm, and he only dozed off passed 11pm. Things that he would do during light-off are rolling, whispering, giggling, talking, somersaulting (attempts), etc.

Another thing I figured out was he refused to go to the bathroom without lights.. or the least, he insisted to have the lights turned on before going in to do his business.. well this took place since a while ago.. And a lot of time, he wanted to be accompanied, though he didn't insist sometimes. Thankfully! :p



Jayden has a best friend at BaoBei. His best friend happened to be a little girl called LiYing, either same age or slightly younger than him.

While picking him up from BaoBei yesterday, Teacher NiNi told me that Jayden got jealous when the other boy (korkor) held LiYing's hand. He would separate them apart when the boy held her, everytime.

Finally, it was time to go home and LiYing's mommy was there to pick her up. Again, the boy held LiYing's hand and this time, Jayden went up to him, split them apart and told the guy "She wants to go home!!!"

Our Fun Conversation

Yesterday Jayden and I had a conversation in the car:
M: J, I bought you a big bed!
J: I don't want the big bed. I don't like it. I like the one with rabbit and tweety bird..
M: Oh.. but that small bed is too small for you! You are a big boy now..
J: I am not big boy, I am so small..
M: Well, the small bed is for babies you know..
J: (paused for a while) Hmm... for baby Jaymie?? Can I give to baby Jaymie mom?
M: Yes, that's right! You wanna give it to baby Jaymie again?
J: Ya.. Then I bring baby Jaymie to Teacher Meithin..
M: Why do you bring baby Jaymie to Teacher Meithin?
J: Because she likes it..
M: You think Teacher Meithin likes babies? What about you? Do you like baby sister or baby brother?
J: I like.. baby sister.. (smile sheepishly)
M: You sure?
J: (giggling cheekily) I like baby brother... and baby sister.. (continue his giggles)


Man vs Woman

While we were watching a movie together..

JJ: Mommy, you are a man?
M: No, I am a woman. 
JJ: You are a woman, I am a man?
M: Yes, you are right!
JJ: Hello woman!! (at me)

A Note from Daddy

A note from Daddy:

J has discovered a new way to grab my attention.
J: "Daddy, come over here"
Me: "Why?"
J: "Come here, I want to love you"
~~~~ It works out pretty well so far... I'm a loser