RL Success Journal

Here are the piece and parcel that make up all the little precious and joyous footsteps of my motherhood life in pursue of happiness and success...


Mommy's Bad Day

After years of contributing to the family, all I got is being labelled as bad mother who spoils my kid.. Truly disappointing to hear this from someone I love so dearly and my so-called pillar of support..  :'(

I just don't understand why some adults are so self-centred as they only see the children based on their expectation, but never willing to understand the reason behind each children behaviour. 

Children are humans too, they do have their own thoughts. They don't have to listen to you every time, but with right nurturing, they can be very cooperative. Before that, first look at yourself, do you respond to them every time when they call you out? If no, do expect the same from them!

I do envy some Mommies with Daddies who support them all the way, well, at least will think twice before using any bad labels to their beloved wives who have contributed their heart and soul to the family. No Mommy deserves to be treated in such a way. 

Well, it's just a bad morning that I have.. And yes, I allow myself to cry the disappointment out.. So the day will get better soon.. :o) 


First Purchase

A few weeks ago, we went to Maximus' house for his brother's full-moon party. Jayden enjoyed himself very much, especially playing with Maximus, who is also his classmate, nevertheless, he enjoyed Maximus' toys too.. :P

Since then on, he kept asking us to buy "Salty" (a Thomas & Friends's train) but Daddy suggested him to buy with his own money. So, we ended counting his money from his savers and finally brought him to Toys R Us to get  his own present.

When we were there, he found a toy set that he played at Maximus' house and he insisted to get it. By borrowing RM10 from me, he got his first present bought with his own savings. Attached is the first toy set he got for himself. :o) 

First Interest in Painting

Yesterday, Jayden surprisingly took out his box of painting tools and started doing his magic.. For the very first time, he spent about an hour sorting out paints, washing brushes, refilling palettes and nevertheless, painting a few colouring pages and getting them air-dried.

First Time Cooking Rice

Jayden cooked rice for me for the first time yesterday, of course, it's under my guidance and supervision. I am surprised that he was interested to help in the kitchen, as he refused to help me every time. The best thing is he enjoyed throughout the session. :o)

Darnest Thing Said

This happened few days ago when we were having a conversation.. 

Jayden said I have a ring.. And I told him that I am married to Daddy.. Then he said he wanna get married to Daddy too..