RL Success Journal

Here are the piece and parcel that make up all the little precious and joyous footsteps of my motherhood life in pursue of happiness and success...


Interesting Quotes and Conversations

I am compiling some interesting quotes and conversations with Jayden over the passed few months. Yea, I basically extracting (copy and paste) them from FB. Hehehe.. But I only managed to find a few.. Better than none.. :P

Conversation 1: 
While shopping yesterday, JJ said: "妈妈,你有很多鞋子了。。你不要买鞋子了。。" I was caught speechless! :S

Conversation 2: 
妈妈:轩,你要吃Kit Kat 吗?
振轩:Ms Callie说不可以吃junk food 的。。

Conversation 3: 
While coming back from Hummingbird this afternoon, JJ ignited this conversation: 

JJ: 妈妈,Maile 不是我的best friend了
Mommy: 为什么呢?
JJ: 因为他叫我go away。她not nice 的,不是我的bestfriend了
Mommy: 噢。。那你伤心吗?
JJ: 嗯。
Mommy: 你现在的best friend是谁呢?
JJ: 我的best friend是Kyle Chin and Jeslyn only。
Mommy: 哦。。

Jayden: 妈妈,Australia的school没有homework吗?Only play吗?

Jayden:我不like homework。
Mommy:噢。。But 你有少少homework是因为大了。。
Jayden:我不要。我only要play,play,play only

I'm back!

It's been a few months since my last post. Life have been very busy especially with 2012 year end holidays, New Year, hubby's leaving to Adelaide, Chinese New Year and finally now, packing things to move to join hubby in a place we're calling home, soon. :)

There have been so much things happening within the last few months, a lot of changes, uncertainties, excitements, worries, struggles and blessings. During this transition period, we are very grateful that GOD has been watching and blessing us with continuous miracles. All the good news and miracles took place when we needed most. Thank You, GOD!! :)

Now, we are very looking forward to our move in late March. And guess what, Jayden is counting down the days by crossing each passing day on the calendar.

While busy packing stuffs, making arrangements and settling things here, I will do my best to do some posting here. I have to admit that it is too easy to post an update of everything about Jayden in FB, and it suits my currently busy lifestyle so much. Hehe..