RL Success Journal

Here are the piece and parcel that make up all the little precious and joyous footsteps of my motherhood life in pursue of happiness and success...


Summarizing 13months

Time is flying fast!! JJ is leaving his 13months and venturing into his 14months in two more days.

In the transition of moving into toddlerhood, JJ has developed and achieved a wide range of skills in his milestones. I can see that JJ really enjoys his ability to carry out activities on his own. The experience and joy of being independent must have overwhelmed him thus he is always eager to show us what he knows. Being an excited mom as I am, I always support him by giving him encouragement and recognition by praising and interacting with him. :o)

In just a few more days, JJ will step into his 14months toddlerhood. He has been gaining a massive understanding on simple languages, sometimes I am surprised that he can understand most of the things that we say. Therefore, it is so much easier for us to communicate with him knowing that he understands us pretty well, just that he is still not speaking in the language that we understand!!! :P

For now, JJ as a 13months baby-toddler is able to.....

  • walk! And dance is his own ways too..!
  • identify and pick up his toys (and bring it to me) when I mention the name of his toy (dog, chicken, drum, book, etc).
  • relate to his toys (bring it to me) when I sing one of the musics/songs that's played by the toy.
  • wave his hand "goodbye" as well as waving his hand to say "hi" - the gesture is the same but different meaning!
  • blow a kiss!!! :o)
  • clap his hands when he is happy, or when he hears us singing songs - he knows singing time.
  • put his hands together and make the praying gestures (the way Chinese Buddhist praying) - whenever JJ sees a Buddhist's prayer altar, he will make that gesture! He learned this from MIL!
  • scoop up some food and feed himself - though it is still super messy but the attempts excite him. :P
  • stoop down and stand back up again
  • stand up, throw a ball, pick it up, and throw it again, and so on.. he can roll a ball too.. :)
  • signal to me that he desperately wants milk - he used to pull my shirt but now... he will pull and put his hand into my shirt (breasts area!!). If I didn't show him that I am gonna feed him anytime soon, he will put his hand inside and pull my bra (sometimes he managed to grab the breast pad!!! It's sooooo embarassing!!!) :P
  • inform me if he is hungry / want food - if he wants biscuits he will bring to me his food container and say something which I don't understand (but I know he asked me to open it because he wants to eat!). Other similar cases are if he wants vitamins he will bring to me the bottle of vitamin; if he wants water he will bring to me his water bottle, etc.
  • Press the buttons on the lift/elevator :o)
  • Arrange the chair that is placed oddly after playing with it - at school, after he played with a chair (as a push-cart), he will push it back ultimately, and if all the chairs are facing outward while he one he pushes back is facing inward, he will pull it out and turn it around.) :o)

Those are the things that I can think of right now. I will make sure I put more down when I can think of any later.. :P


Walk @ Porch

I cannot stop myself from posting this video clip.. This is the first time JJ "walk" outdoor.. well, he started walking few days ago and yup, he is all ready to walk outdoor!!! Check out his video clip, I find it really very very funny (maybe it's jsut me?!?!).. He dances while he walks too.. that's because he is happy and excited.. :P

A Mind of a 13months

Time is flying fast.. JJ is growing up fast and he is learning faster!! As a 13 month baby-toddler, JJ has already developed a frame of personality and a mind of his own. He can easily express to us what his feeling (happy, sad, excited, disappointed, etc), what he likes and dislikes, as well as expressing his thoughts through actions.

The leap in his learning amazes me (slightly worries me too!!) that he has learned to play with emotions! I guess that is part and partial of his learning about emotions?!?! Somehow, I start to apply a little discipline with him knowing that he his milestone has gone beyond my expectation. Sometimes, I will be firm on my words especially when I know he is testing me and pushing my limits. I believe there is a certain level of firmness needed to be applied but when he isn't listening, I just try other alternative.

It is really sad when it hurts (I hit his hand today! Ouch!!). He is hurt but I think I am super hurt too!!! Thus, I think I will go back on my "love and explanation" approach rather than "fear and punishment". :'(

Other than that, he has developed a sense of JEALOUSY!!! It's all started at school when there are other children comes to me for comfort, and nevertheless, I need to comfort them when they cry!!! This is when JJ will get really jealous. He will show his dislikes by crying and putting his head (facedown) on the floor (that's his action of being really sad and disappointed!).

Sometimes, he appears to be stronger whereas he will come to me and push the other kid away from me. It was really a fiasco to me especially on yesterday, when three of them (including JJ) were jealous and pushing each other away from me. There was a time when I have to carry two of them, when they were still pushing each other in my grib!!! OMG..


Walk JJ Walk...

Hooray!!! JJ is already walking!!! :o)

Last Saturday, we went back to Penang we are having meetings!!! Hubby was having a board meeting, while I was having a bored meeting! :P

On Saturday itself, a few hours after we arrived at a relative's house, JJ started walking nonstop. His activity was 80% walking 20% crawling, and the same happened on Sunday too. :o)

Not to elaborate further, let's check out this low resolution video clip I recorded using my cheapskate phone.. Hehehe..


JJ shows us how to walk!! :o)

JJ shows us how to walk.. this was taken while he was playing with his cousin and attempting to walk.. Check out the shaky lil' feet.. LOL!! :o)

Jayden is WALKING!! :o)

After couples days of trial, JJ finally can walk without support! He has been walking for about 10feet consistently before falling.. again and again! The lil' unsteady feet still need more practise to give his walking skill a lil' boost.. Hehehe.. :o)

I am very sure his consistencies in walking is partially due to the influence at school.. everyone is walking and running! I can see JJ wanna participate in the session too because everyone grabs his beloved toys and runs away!! Poor little boy.. :(

But I am very glad that JJ copes with his school environment very well. There were a few knocks caused by some other kids (they don't mean it) but that's how my lil' JJ grows up!!

JJ has grown really smart too.. Other than being good in playing his toys, he developed rather good problem solving skills! He likes to throw anything and everything, esp our clothes, to the back of the headboard of our bed (the gap between the headboard and the wall). It was about 3-4inches apart. It's really annoying because it causes me a lot of hassle to dig them out!

Therefore, hubby managed to push our bed so closed to the wall, only left with about an inch gap (that's the best already!). No matter how smart daddy is, JJ grows smarter too. He will firstly put the things on top of the headboard (right above the gap between the wall and the headboard). Next, he will shake (pull and push) the headboard. Thus, anything that he put on top will fall into the gap once he push and pull it!!!! Doink!!!!!! :S

Well.. instead of getting angry, I found it really really funny... Well, I know it might sound a bit "monsterous" to some mommies out there but hey, that's what you're gonna get when you have a boy.. and I think JJ is just being a little brainy! :P

I am very happy with JJ's achievement and I am sure there are more and more achievements for us coming soon! Both daddy and mommy are having so much fun filling each day with JJ's surprises.. :o)


Examine the Horsie

Featuring JJ examining the Horsie.. Hehehe.. :P

Speak with the Mircrophone

JJ shows us how to speak with the microphone! :o)

Basketball @Gymboree

Gymboree: JJ shows us how to play Basketball.. Hehehe :P


Exposure in School

It is moving into 3rd week of school term now.. time flies!! That means JJ has been going to school for 2 weeks (2hr x 6days) by now and he learns things really fast.. Other than the Amazing Dance, whenever I sing The Goodbye Song, he will wave his hands (he remembers it's time to go home!) :P

Oh talking about waving goodbye, JJ also know how to blow a kiss too!!! Well.. I seriously do not know how the older generations come out with this word pronounced as "flan kiss", but it simply means blow a kiss! When I was a kid, I really thought "French Kiss" = "blow a Kiss" until I met my husband and he told me it is not!! Well, anyway, too bad, I have also taught my lil' JJ "flan kiss" (which I pronounced as "friend kiss", I simply make it up cuz there ain't no such term as 'flan kiss'). So whenever I said "friend kiss", JJ will stuck his index finger into his mouth.. Muahahah!! :P

JJ always surprises us with new skills! One of them is that he can now play with the stacking toys. Well, there are plenty of toys at school that he can play with, but I didn't realize that he pick up skills just by watching others playing. One fine day last week, he played his cousin's stacking cups and to our surprise, he could stack them up in the right order! I'm surprised! Though it might not be everytime but well, I'm undeniably an excited parent! Hahaha. :P

Jayden has also been walking a lot these 2days.. Yup, I mean walking without support, though it's rather short distances. I am glad that he has gathered his courage to walk, he finds it funny to walk, though sometimes he still prefers crawling (it's faster!) :P

I am very happy that I made the decision to put JJ in this school as the experience and exposure definitely help him to pick up new skills as well as stimulate his brain development. I do highly recommend our school to everyone: Steps Ahead Learners (http://www.stepsaheadlearners.com/). Kindly check out our school at Bangsar Shopping Complex (BSC). I'm an assistant teacher there, learning and going to be a great teacher!! :o)

Dancing King!!

JJ loves dancing!!! It's all started on Saturday, if I am not mistaken. Initially when I spotted him dancing, I was wondering what did he do.. and I was singing The Itsy Bitsy Spider Song at that time.. LOL!!! It suddenly came to my conscious that he was dancing.. It was soooo funny! :P

I am very sure that JJ picks up his dancing moves from school. His friends are all older than him (yes, he is the youngest in the whole school!) and most of them will make some moves when we sing, either clap their hands, move their bods, shake their heads, etc.

And JJ is not only clapping hands now (finally!), but he will shake his head and move his bod! Not just that, he will also move his left hand and right hand when he dances! I wish I have my camera handy whenever he dances but I always miss it!! He doesn't dance for a long time, just a quick move before he gave me his ~~killer's smile~~ hehehe.. :P

Oh just a quick addition to today's bathing time.. JJ dance while he was bathing too.. he stood up and bounce his legs in beats.. It was really hilarious!! Oh dear he brought so much smiles to me lately.. Hehehe


New Allergy

I have been testing on this for 2 weeks. And now is already the 3rd week and unfortunately, the result is positive.

JJ has developed a new allergy...... an allergy to soy!! It is really bad as he is suffering from rashes on his face again! I do not know if it is due to the peanuts oil that provoked his new allergy.

According to the findings I read online, peanuts has the possibility to provoke other food allergies. I am pretty upset about this new allergy. It means I have to cut out another food source from my diet.

This is worse than being a vegetarian. Even a vegetarian can have soy products like tofu and soymilk. What about me and Jayden?? My mind is unclear and I feel really exhausted. Why is this happening to us? What kind of blessing in disguise can this be?? I really have no idea.. :'(


Mama & Baba

It's been 2days continuously JJ has been calling "mama" everytime he looks for me for a hug.. and "baba" when he sees daddy too.. though it is still a bit inconsistent, but he got it right most of the time! I believe JJ will be calling us accurately by Chinese New Year? Hehehe.. :o)

I'm amazed and surprised at how each and every baby learns to relate "mama" and "baba" to parents, despite the language spoken are so different.. i.e. we taught him Daddy and Mommy instead of "baba" and "mama".. well.. we did teach him "mama" and "baba" occasionally for the fun of it, perhaps he remembered. :P Then, how should we explain other ethnics that speaks completely different language? The babies still couldn't run away from calling "mama" and "baba/papa". Hehehe

Today I let JJ played in the living room.. and JJ wanna hug hug so he said "mama".. MIL was so happy because she thought JJ was calling her "mama" when he wanna be carried.. well.. Grandma is pronounced as "mama" in Cantonese.. :P


Smooth Skin Again!

Since MIL has removed the peanut oil from her cooking, JJ's skin has improved so much! At least he is no longer waking up 8times a night!!! Last nite, he only woke up 3 times, I think that's a great improvement indeed! :o)

2 days ago, Jayden's skin has been much better compared to the passed 1 month!! This morning, I found that his skin has became so smooth.. err... not as smooth as baby skin yet, perhaps next week will be that smooth! :P His skin are really smooth now especially on the areas of his tummy, back, butt, legs and hands.. The wounds resulted from his daily scratching have shown improvement too. I am sooo happy..

I really have to thank my SIL (hubby's sister) for scolding my MIL. Hmmm.. ya.. SIL scolded MIL left and right when she got to know that MIL secretly (behind us) used peanut oil for cooking. Then MIL immediately stop using it the next day, initially she told me she will only stop using after she finished the whole bottle (which was like 2liter!!!).

I really can't thank my SIL more.. Hehehe.. :P


Second week @ SAL

This is the second week we are @ SAL.

I'd say I'm really a proud mom of a good boy.. Hahah.. JJ has been a really good boy at school.. and he is really adapting well to his new routine.. He plays and mixes around well with all the other children.. and teachers too!! Wherever he crawls, he will give a smile to whoever he sees.. I think that's the way he greets other. Err.. I mean he really gives a smile as in he will crawl and reach out his head, if possible face to face with you, and then give you a smile. :o)

However, not everyone is giving a smile back of course, because all the children are so young and they are still learning about manners!!! Especially when they are so engrossed in their play. Heheh.. As for the teachers, of course they will smile back when they see JJ, but sometimes they are too busy looking after other kids that they didn't see JJ's friendly approach.

I am so proud of JJ's friendly manners and I really hope he will continue to practise this great attitude and carry it with him in his entire life! Great start Jayden!! :o)



I'm so upset with my MIL!!!!!!!!

She knows JJ is allergy to peanuts.. and I have warned her for so many times especially not to use peanut oil for cooking. And guess what?? She curi-curi (secretly!) used peanut oil and hid it from us by removing the labelling on the bottle!!! :(

JJ suffers so much from this because the itchiness always makes him unable to sleep at night.. and he will scratch and scratch till it bleeds!! I have been wondering for months why the hell JJ is still suffering from the itchiness and eczema as I didn't have any allergy food at all! Now I know why!!!!

I am seriously very upset and angry.. I can't believe she is doing this without any mercy of what others are suffering from and how hard it is for a young baby to endure all these pains and sufferings..

Waking up 4-8times every night due to itchiness and discomfort is definitely too much for a young baby to endure.. I hope I do not hate her but she is really getting me on my nerves..


Finally... A TOOTH!!!! :o)

Finally.. there is a tooth!

OMG.. finally his first incisor cut through at around 3pm today!! WOW!! :o)
We were at hubby's office during that time while Jayden and I were waiting in the car for daddy. While we were busy playing, suddenly I saw a fine blood cut on JJ's gum.. and my first expression was.. "Oh noooo.. did you cut yourself Jayden??"

In the next nanosecond, it came to my conscious that it could be a tooth!! I tried all my best to get JJ to smile and let me have a clear look at the cut! :P I was pretty confirmed it was a tooth, because it did show a bit of white stuff!!!! Hehehe..

About 30minutes to an hour later, I checked again and YAY!!! I saw a tooth emerging!! The white stuff is finally out!! Hahaha.. I was so happy and I put my finger (clean of course!!!) to get a feel if it's real and YES!! IT'S REAL!! :P It hurts too then he bites me.. hahaha..

I tried to take a picture of it but it is still not really visible in the photos. I might just wait another week so the tooth is more obvious.. perhaps there will be two by then??? I read that teeth come in pair!! :o)


First Day @SAL

Today is the first day at school for mommy and JJ!!

I feel really bad because I had to wake JJ up at 7am plus this morning. He usually have to sleep till 9am plus!!! Oh dear.. it has been a super hard and tiring day for JJ. Mommy feels terribly bad!!!

Indeed, JJ has been a very good boy. He only got cranky when he wants milk and sleepy. Other than that, he has been a good boy throughout the school session. Mommy is super proud of Jayden! :o)

Nevertheless, I hope JJ will be able to cope up with the tlong schedule very soon. If he can doze off in the car anytime, then life will be so much easier for him. At least he will be getting enough sleep before school starts. Also, he will need to learn to sleep independently without mommy breastfeeding him while there isn't any cradle around to aid him. Poor lil boy.. but mommy knows you can do it excellent! :o)

As for mommy, it is a fun and exciting experience today. I think I really love the job and enjoy it as much, despite the fact that it is sooooooo TIRING!!! I feel my bone cracked and my muscles tensed up!! Gosh.. sign of ageing!!??!! Nooooooooooo!!!!!!! Hahaha.. :P

Jenny (the principal & founder) has been a super nice and supportive being to me. She asked me to embark my journey to work at 8.30am (instead of 7.50am) and reach school at 9am instead of 8.45am. She suggested that the traffic might smooth down a lil at 8.30am instead of 7.50am which is the super rush hour! Irma, Sandra and LeeSun (teachers) are really nice to me.. and I learned so much from them!!

Thanks a lot everyone at @SAL for the support and fun learning experience!!! :o)

The Miracle of Jade??

My sister in law suggested that we try to let JJ wear a green jade and see if he can sleep better at night. Well, reason being that she learned it from someone else, and it works like a miracle on her daughter.

Having known that, we have bought a small jade for Jayden. But I have been keeping it for months because I need to send it to the gold smith to add a hook on it as well as to buy a necklace for JJ to wear it.

She mentioned to me later that it has to be a green jade, dark green preferably.. well, it was too late cuz I have already bought a green jade, but it is light green. Anyway, let's see how things turn out.

Finally, we got it done on last week Friday. JJ has been wearing it for a few days now and it seems like it really works very well!! On the first nite JJ wore it, he woke up 4times. On the second nite, he woke up 3times. Let's fingers cross that he will be a good boy again and sleep as much as he can at nite!! :o)

Long Break

I have been taking a break from blogging for a while.. well, a long long while (I consider) due to laziness.. Hehehe.. :P

JJ has been developing a lot of new skinlls within this period of time during my absence from blogging. For expample, JJ has already attempted to walk for so many times for the passed few days, and hthe further he walked without support is about 5ft, I consider that as GREAT ACHIEVEMENT!! Well done Jayden! :o)

During this period of time, Jayden has yet to develop his teeth.. yup, he is still teethless. I wonder if it is due to lack of calcium and if there is anything that I should do about it. Thinking of taking some calcium supplements and see if there is any results, whatever the result is, I am sure taking the supplement is somehow good for me too since my daily diet is very unbalanced since found out JJ' s allergy problem.