RL Success Journal

Here are the piece and parcel that make up all the little precious and joyous footsteps of my motherhood life in pursue of happiness and success...


First Hair Cut by Mommy

Jayden's hair has been growing pretty long by now. Despite cutting it short, I decided to leave it like this as we are travelling to Perth in slightly less than 2 week time. It would be Spring by then but I wouldn't know how cool/cold it would be, I think it is safer to keep his hair slightly longer so it wouldn't be too cold for our little buddy. :o)

However, being a super sweaty boy, I almost find him with a sweaty head at all times!! Hence, I decided to do a little trimming, yup a minor one, on his hair. Yesterday marks the day I cut Jayden's hair for the very first time!! Hehehe..

It is exciting and apparently he wants me to cut his hair more than the barber!! LOLs.. I am glad that he chooses me.. So, everytime I cut his hair and the hair land on his skin, he will cry out loud something like this "waaa~~~ dirty waa~~ dirty.. so dirty.. waaaa~~~!!!" LOLs

Well, from this experience, at least I know why he cries every time he has a haircut at the barber shop.. He thinks the hair land on his body is very dirty! Now I have a new job is to educate him that the hair is not really dirty and we can always wash it away.. :o)

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