RL Success Journal

Here are the piece and parcel that make up all the little precious and joyous footsteps of my motherhood life in pursue of happiness and success...


Growing Up!

I was telling Jayden that he will one day grow as big as Daddy and Mommy, or even bigger and taller than us. Then, he was complaining that he didn't grow big, and I have to explain to him that he will grow big bit by bit, slowly.

After that, we were sharing on a big bowl of dragon fruits. And in between our conversations, this come across:

Mommy: Tomorrow we need to buy more fruits.. This dragon fruit is the last that we have.
Jayden: Buy more fruits? And grow big?
Mommy: Yes.
Jayden: Mommy, you don't eat.. (took the bowl away and put on his lap) I eat first.. I grow big first OK!
Mommy: (Muahahahaha.. I am spechless!!!)

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