RL Success Journal

Here are the piece and parcel that make up all the little precious and joyous footsteps of my motherhood life in pursue of happiness and success...


Imitating Adults Activities

Jayden has been heavily imitating our routines lately.

Few days, MIL found him taking a cup and a pen, put the pen into the cup, and stir! After stirring, he put the cup to his mouth and drink (as if he is drinking something!!). And what's that?? He was imitating Mommy making oatmilk and drink it.. Mommy does that everyday!! LOLs.

There was also a time I spotted Jayden taking MIL's chair, climbed and sat onto the chair, then put his hands together and pray (the way the Buddhist pray). What is this again? This is what MIL does everyday!! Hahaha

Oh boy oh boy.. my little boy is getting cheekier!! :P

1 comment:

Tandanie said...

Toddlers learn through imitation especially imitating people that they can relate too. It's cute to watch them...