RL Success Journal

Here are the piece and parcel that make up all the little precious and joyous footsteps of my motherhood life in pursue of happiness and success...


More Teething???

I am guessing more teeth and the molars are coming up.. JJ has been soothing his gums with his fingers and hands (he almost eat the whole palm!!) for days with too much drooling.. saliva's dripping nonstop!! It must have hurted him so much that lately he has been having interrupted sleep.. Poor lil boy.. :S

While hubby and I were watching TV in the living room yesterday night, suddenly JJ woke up, went down the bed, walked out of the bedroom to the living room and make a calling sound looking for me!! I was shocked because this has never happened. Normally he would not wake up for milk for the first 4hours or more. But it was only barely 2hours after he slept. :S

Undeniably, he was having interrupted sleep throughout the night. He kept waking up and having hard time getting back to sleep. I felt so sorry for him hence I put him in the cradle to ease his sleep. Not too much of a wise idea because he caught a cold the next day! And now he is having slight fever. :o(

I feel so bad I hope and pray for a quick recovery..

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