RL Success Journal

Here are the piece and parcel that make up all the little precious and joyous footsteps of my motherhood life in pursue of happiness and success...


Disappearing Rashes

Good News!!

It's been a constant good few days since last Friday till yesterday because the rashes somehow subsided.. I don't know what I have done right, but since last Thursday I have been doing the following:
  1. Put Ionizer in my room
  2. Feed J with the olive extract (2 times/day)
  3. Feed J with mom's ginseng powder (2 times/day)
  4. Feed J with Eu Yan Sang Boh Ying Compound (1/2 bottle)
  5. Apply lotions and emulsifying cream on the affected areas

The result was undeniably very encouraging and I think the rashes should be gone in no time. Fingers cross the rashes will be gone forever!!! :)

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