RL Success Journal

Here are the piece and parcel that make up all the little precious and joyous footsteps of my motherhood life in pursue of happiness and success...


Pointing & Learning

For the passed one month, Jayden has a nw habit of pointing to everything and everywhere that caught his eyes. I am amazed how he expresses what he sees and what he wants to tell me. He is particularly in love with cars, animals, wheels, and even toys that are of all the categories.

I have been started educating him on our facial parts and I am glad that Jayden can already identify eye, nose, mouth and sometimes ear. He will also reach out his hands and look at them if they are dirty when I said 'wash hand'. :)

Another thing that I am happy about is whenever he wants to go out for a walk, he will take one of his shoes from the shoe cabinet and give it to me. If I agree, I will sit on the floor and ask him to get the other one too. He will grab the other one, bring it to me and then sit on the floor so I can have them put on. :o)

After the walk when we entered the house, he will sit on the floor so I can have the shoes removed. Then, he will take the shoes and put them back onto the shoes cabinet. Ahh.. how nice!! :o)

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