RL Success Journal

Here are the piece and parcel that make up all the little precious and joyous footsteps of my motherhood life in pursue of happiness and success...


School Trip

Friday March 19, was the last day of school!! Hooray!! SAL ended the school term with a school trip to FRIM, the reserved forest somewhere in Kepong.

It was Jayden's first trip back to the nature. However, I think the trip was rather intensive that it totally drained the parents (perhaps just us!!) out. Overall, Jayden didn't really enjoy it as much. Now I am assuming that such a trip is not really that suitable for young toddlers like Jayden.. But for the juniors, it was indeed a blast!!

When we reached FRIM, Jayden started to have reddish eyes and runny nose. I was rather worried it is the allergy to pollen! Fingers crossed it is not. I can't see Jayden has anymore new allergies. :(

When we were at the forest, Jayden had some mosquitoes bites but Mommy had more!! Well, I would rather I suffer than having Jayden to go thru all that. Hence mosquitoes bit Mommy is indeed a blessing in disguise!! :S

When it was time to get wet. I got Jayden in his swimsuit but the moment he stepped his feet in the water he started crying. It was icy cold!!!! Jayden refused to dip his toes into the water at all times though we tried very hard to pursuade him to enjoy, well, we failed! In the end, just before we left the water, Daddy forcibly wet Jayden's bottom. That made him cried so hard! :o(

Guess it was a bad idea to have Jayden wet because when we got home, we found that Jayden caught a cold. Now, he is suffering from runny nose and slight cough. Poor lil baby.. :o(

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