RL Success Journal

Here are the piece and parcel that make up all the little precious and joyous footsteps of my motherhood life in pursue of happiness and success...


Own Words

Lately, Jayden likes to say with double pronunciation.. i.e. star = star star, bear = bear bear, bath = bath bath, etc.. though his pronunciation is obviously baby language, I am surprised Mommies are always the only one can understand their babies languages.. Daddy?? Out!! Daddy can never catch what Jayden says!!! :S

Not just that, lately he has been influenced to use the wrong words.. For example, 'dog' which he normally pronounces as 'og' is not being referred to 'wow wow'. Thanks to MIL always speaking incorrect baby language thinking he wouldn't understand. I strongly dislike it whenever she uses baby language which is totally.. argh.. well, I am just not the the position to correct her. :o(

All I can do is to slowly explain to JJ that those words are wrong and tell him the correct words to describe things. Hopefully JJ will get rid of those 'wrong' baby words soon..

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