RL Success Journal

Here are the piece and parcel that make up all the little precious and joyous footsteps of my motherhood life in pursue of happiness and success...


Jayden's First Complete Sentence

This evening at 8.30pm marks Jayden's first time talking in a complete sentence. I was calling Daddy to ask him about something and as Jayden figured that out, he insisted he wanna talk with Daddy.

His will was soon granted once I was done. Jayden was talking a lot of Daddy, most of the time we didn't know what he was talking about. He would always start with Daddy.. bluer jshdk riuks shifykf kshfiyei (means I dunno what he was saying!). :P

Then, I suggested to him why not he asks daddy to come back. So he started saying "Daddy.. come back". Daddy said he would definitely come back later.. We both (daddy and mommy) were laughing.. Then I told Jayden to say "daddy come back now" thinking he wouldn't be able to finish that sentence as he never said 'now' and usually won't get it the first shot.

Indeed, he surprised me by saying smoothly "Daddy, come back now!" I was amazed and amused.. and for sure, he caught Daddy by surprise too and Daddy just didn't know what to reply him but laugh.. :o)

I didn't know that hearing him saying the first sentence could be so exciting. Hehe.. I guess I must have waited so long for him to talk in sentences.. :o)

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