RL Success Journal

Here are the piece and parcel that make up all the little precious and joyous footsteps of my motherhood life in pursue of happiness and success...


Opps.. Accident!!!

Throughout these two months, Jayden has gotten minor accidents (wee wee) quite infrequently. I guess in total... shouldn't be more than 5 times, if my memory doesn't fail me. :P

However, there had been 2 major accidents (poo.. yucks!!) which weren't pleasurable at all!!! The first time was about a month ago (can't remember, but it wasn't long after JJ was potty trained) that he did it in the hair salon! It was a really embarrassing and messy one. It was all over the salon as Jayden was moving about trying to avoid those "treasures".

The second time was.. this morning!!!! He did it in my car!! Thank God I was quick enough that I managed to carry him down the car before the thing fell out from his pants. "It" landed on the side of my car (at the foot area where the door closes), then another two patches on the ground. Yuck!!!

Despite all the YUCKS, I am still thankful that 'it' didn't land in my car.. Else I will surely have a hard time cleaning it. Phew..

Until now, I still don't understand why he didn't tell me.. Or he had tried to tell me but I was ignorant? Perhaps, as I was listening to the radio.. I have to be more alert in the future... And I hope that is it for the accidents.. NO MORE!!

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