RL Success Journal

Here are the piece and parcel that make up all the little precious and joyous footsteps of my motherhood life in pursue of happiness and success...


1st Cinema Visit

After a long wait, we have our first cinema visit, well it's Jayden's first movie to be exact, and our first cinema visit after 2 years of waiting!!!

The very first show Jayden watched in a cinema was Harry Potter!! :o) Wow!! We have "potter" our life!! Hahaha..

Jayden had been watching attentively for the first hour, sitting without moving and seemed like he was enjoying the show. Guess something has finally spiking his butt that he started asking to leave.

Daddy sacrified his movie time by bringing him out for a brisk walk. I think they came back after 15-20minutes. But this time Jayden was not as peaceful as before, he had been asking to leave every now and then. We tried to trick and pacify him with popcorn, drinks and soft candy to engage him with movie. It lasted a fair while before he asked Daddy for a walk again.

They came back after I don't know how long, but this time is worst. Jayden totally refused to sit so he was standing (not on the chair!) and I tried to drop the bottle and got him to search for it. :P It successfully stole a bit of his time. And finally, I showed him those video clips of him that I recorded on my phone. And it kept him lasted till the show ended! Yay!!!!

Since he didn't shout or make loud noise in the cinema.. I would say our first movie outing is considered a SUCCESSFUL one!! :o)

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