RL Success Journal

Here are the piece and parcel that make up all the little precious and joyous footsteps of my motherhood life in pursue of happiness and success...


It's awful and terrible.. What's going on?? :o(

Mommy hang in there!! Thanks Peggy for such encouraging words.. Thank God I read your comment before writing again else I will write something in a really nasty way! Hehe..

I barely can recognize my sweet little Jayden anymore.. Other than his signature laughs and smiles, sometimes hugs and kisses, and some of his 'in-good-mood' times..

For the passed one week, he has turned himself to a total unrecognizable monster!! He would indulge is attention seeking devices such as grabbing my arms, pulling my shirt, attacking my face, hitting me, doing all the forbidden things like turnover the trash basket, pouring drinks on the couch, refusing to take showers, unfolding all the folded clothes, and last but not least, refusing to obey and be a good boy anymore!!! :o(

Not just that, he is also very autonomous and we have to obey by doing everything his way such as no-TV for parents but his favorite movies all the time, we must get dressed and put on our shoes when he decided to go out for whatever reasons (walk, playground, drive, etc).

I feel so awful and terrible sometimes that I think to myself that I really need to discipline this little child. I have been very firmed with him and spanked him a few times (I feel guilty!!!) but I feel he becomes more resistant and monstrous because of this. Maybe he just couldn't accept the fact that I will whack him.. :o(

I have also tried reasoning to him but he just wouldn't give me a second and listen!! His best favorite quotes are "Go-Go", "No", "No-No", "No-No-No"!! Argh... I need help!! How to discipline this child of mine without much scolding, whacking or punishment?

Please return to me my sweet obedient little baby... :o(

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