RL Success Journal

Here are the piece and parcel that make up all the little precious and joyous footsteps of my motherhood life in pursue of happiness and success...


Allergy Test

Recently, I have been massively introducing allergy food to Jayden. Well, a bit at a time, daily..

I started off by introducing to him some products with milk derivatives, or food that has milk/egg as one of the ingredients, other than milk and egg as direct sources. The result was quite pleasing and satisfying.

On the day before yesterday, we went to a Jap buffet and I walled up quite a bit of everything without avoiding any allergy food. This is specifically targetting on mayonaise, little bit of egg (I assume some of them has egg in the rolls), chocolate cheese cake (yum!!), ice creams, etc. Jayden had quite a bit of them too, though I selected-ly randomly picked his food. Jayden did suffer from mild eczema.. But I am glad it was mild!!!

About a week ago, he was OK with soy products. However, if I am not mistaken, he had itchy skin (eczema) when I gave him more soy product yesterday. It was slightly worse than mild.. I am rather worried if it made a come back!! :o(

1 comment:

Peggy said...

That's a good sign!

It sounds like it may be an indication that he can start taking those items but in moderation, and up to certain quantity.

I think when we tried it on Kaiden, we gave him very little at a time, but once we see allergic reactions, we'll stop for a few days, and do it again.

I think it should be fine! Just wait for a few days before introducing the soy stuff again! Good luck!