RL Success Journal

Here are the piece and parcel that make up all the little precious and joyous footsteps of my motherhood life in pursue of happiness and success...


Nag nag nag.

While on the way home from MIL's house yesterday, Jayden insisted to sit at the back instead of his car seat. He rushed all the way to the back, sat down, and hurriedly buckled up. Being a bad mom, I gave in and spoilt him.

Before I got the car moving, he started saying something which initially I wasn't paying attention to. For some reason, it suddenly came to my senses that he was talking to me and he had spoken a lot of things (which I didn't hear). These are the last few sentences that I hear and see:

"I say I sit at the back. I need to buckle up.. See I buckle up now.. Why don't you listen?"

While saying that last sentence, he had his hand held in a fist with the pointer finger crookedly pointed upwards.. It was a serious look!! Hahahahahaha.. Until now, I couldn't forget that serious look..

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