RL Success Journal

Here are the piece and parcel that make up all the little precious and joyous footsteps of my motherhood life in pursue of happiness and success...


First Hair Cut

A history is made!! Jayden has his first hair cut for the very first time in his life in this afternoon at around 12.20pm. Mommy thinks the crew cut makes his little handy man looks kinda cute though.. Hehe.. :P

After two weeks of searching for a good pair of scissor high and low around the area, Mommy finally gave up.. Mommy brought Jayden to a barber shop.

It wasn't planned or intentional, Mommy was searching for the scissors at the row of shops. None of them were selling it!! Suddenly we came across a barber shop and without thinking twice, Mommy walked in with Jayden. :P

When the barber put a big piece of cloth around Jayden, immediately he pulled it away. Then the barber put a small towel around his neck, and again Jayden pulled away. Under such circumstance, the barber decided to cut his hair without wrapping any cloth on him.

Jayden refused to have the barber cut his hair. He didn't allow the barber to touch his hair. He started all his tricks by pulling his hair, rubbing his hair, pulling the barber's fingers, pulling the scissor.. all sort of tricks, you name it. Well, he tried sobbing and crying too..

Thank God the barber is competent enough that he managed to do his job quickly that my little man didn't seem to be a big challenge. It was indeed really quick, if I was not mistaken, it was done within 5-10minutes.

Voila!! This is my little man with his new crew cut look. :o)

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