RL Success Journal

Here are the piece and parcel that make up all the little precious and joyous footsteps of my motherhood life in pursue of happiness and success...



Jayden falls in love with forklift lately. Everytime we go to Daddy's office, he will be so engrossed with the forklift moving, making sounds and carrying pallets despite the smelly diesel smokes coming out from the exhaust pipe.

Whenever Jayden pays attention to the forklift, I will share with him that it is called a 'forklift' and the use of it. I am not sure how much he can understand yet, but for sure, whenever I told him it is a forklift he will repeat after me and say "bitbit".

At first, I thought he was somewhere near the pronunciation of the "i" sound(I know it is hard to accept.. hahaha).. Anyway, good try!!! But lately I found out that the forklift actually generates the sound 'bit bit' when it reverses, most of the time the forklift has to go front and back, hence we hear that a lot of times.

Now that I know why Jayden refers the forklift as 'bitbit'.. How interesting!! :o)

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