RL Success Journal

Here are the piece and parcel that make up all the little precious and joyous footsteps of my motherhood life in pursue of happiness and success...


Bug Bug Go Away

Oh no.. Jayden is having flu again.. This time is a really serious one.. Well, I mean the running nose comes with severe coughing.. :o(

Jayden has never been having terrible cough like this previously.. And it gets me worried about him somehow. He has difficulties in sleeping at night, nevertheless the mommy gets many many restless nights.. :o(

I tried on a herb medicine from him and the moment he took it, he said "lat lat". It must be due to the peppermint. He doesn't like the feeling of it and think that it is too "spicy" for him.. I hope I get better luck to get him to take it again today..

Fingers cross his cough will go away asap!

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