RL Success Journal

Here are the piece and parcel that make up all the little precious and joyous footsteps of my motherhood life in pursue of happiness and success...


A very very interesting incident!

It was about 8.30pm, we were on the way home from school. Jayden was asking for more rice cracker after taking 5 pieces, I was kinda reluctant but I still handed one to him. I found the rice cracker a bit crooked but couldn't take a good look at it as I was busy driving.

Then Jayden spoke out loud: "Whale! Whale!!"

Then I said: "Huh?? Whale? Are you sure?" All these while, I haven't been noticing any whale figures along the way back! So I was busy looking around trying to spot where was the whale Jayden was talking about.

Jayden replied: "Okay" (His version of "yes").
Mommy: "But where?"
He lifted up the rice cracker in the air and said "Whale!!"

Only then I noticed that the crooked rice cracker did have the shape of the whale.. Of course, I then praised him for his creativity and being able to spot the shape of the whale. LOLs

When we were about 5minutes away from home, suddenly he shouted out loud again: "Pig! Pig!"

I was like: "Huh?? Pig?? Where on earth is there a pig here? Are you sure Jayden?"

Then he again lifted up his partially eaten rice cracker in the air and said "Pig!"

I was like: "Oh wow! It does look like a pig!! You bite it so nicely that it turns to a pig shape? Well done Jayden!"

And I tell you what, it did look very very much like a pig! I was in so much disbelief that I took his rice cracker and looked again twice! LOLs.

I am still not sure if he did it by accident, or he really did creatively "crafted" the pig shape.

Finally we were home and Jayden has not bitten a bit of his pig shape rice cracker. He was still holding his "pig" rice cracker when he was all ready for a shower.

I then told him: "Jayden you need to finish off your pig rice cracker, else it will be all wet when I shower you."

Very quickly, he bit off all of it. Then he said while gesturing: "Pig gone!"

It is indeed a very very interesting incident, and I enjoy every bit of the conversation between us. He is sooo funny!!! LOLs :o)

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