RL Success Journal

Here are the piece and parcel that make up all the little precious and joyous footsteps of my motherhood life in pursue of happiness and success...



Guess what happened today? Jayden begins to like the water!! He was enjoying the bathing time so much that he refused to leave the baby tub this morning! When I lifted him up, he will quick as lightning grab any toys that he can get from the water. Then, he will twist and turn so hard and reach his feet into the water and try to sit inside the tub of water again! Heheh..

It's quite a surprise to me that in fact Jayden understands the big word NO. A lot of people told me that baby still doesn't understand what it means when you say "no" to them but well.. Whether I say the word "NO" in English or Cantonese, he still understands it. Thus, everytime I said NO he will pause for a while, look at me and continue doing what he supposed to be doing again. Haha.. Therefore, normally after saying NO, I will ask him to "Come to Mommy", again, whether it's English or Cantonese, he understands well! Hence, he will crawl to me. It works almost everytime! I'm glad! :))


Tandanie said...

Yes, at this time your "No" must be firm. Maximus will start crying when we say "no" to him...

Rachel L said...

Oh that's so cute.. haha.. he is a very sensitive soft lil boy.. ;)