RL Success Journal

Here are the piece and parcel that make up all the little precious and joyous footsteps of my motherhood life in pursue of happiness and success...


Water Bed

I haven't been writing down anything due to.. LAZINESS! :(
Thus, there are so many things that I missed out for the passed....... 2 weeks???

We have bought J a new "water bed" which is cooling when sleep on it. It is very effective and comes in really handy to counter high fever. Well, that's the reason why we bought it, and you know that it's been weeks Jayden recovered from high fever, so you can imagine how long I haven't been blogging.. Hehehe

I like it when Jayden shows us how much he likes the bed.. At night, he will purposely crawl to the water bed and sleeps on it to show that he wanna go to bed! Not just that, he will then crawl to me and sweep his face gently on on face few times (you can imagine how a little kitten sweeps its face against you and that's exactly how Jayden will do it!). It's so sweet that it melts my heart each time he does that. :)

Then, he will sleep on me! Yes, on me! He will pull me at the same time and then roll back to the water bed.. Hmmm.. how can I not understand!!? :P That's his sign language that he wanna go to bed! :)


Tandanie said...

A water bed! Wow... This i have to see. Any photos?
So cooling and it's good for J since he is so scared of heat!

Rachel L said...

Yes.. I will post it up then you can probably get one for Max too! :)