RL Success Journal

Here are the piece and parcel that make up all the little precious and joyous footsteps of my motherhood life in pursue of happiness and success...


Tissue and Leaflet

Today I have been very reckless.. In the afternoon, I was so busy with my work (though only for a good hour or so) that I did not notice that Jayden got some tissue papers from God knows where it was and put them into his mouth.. Well, I did manage to dig out (the remaining??) the tissues from his mouth. I hope that's all he chunked into his mouth (not the remaining only!!!).

As terrible as I felt, the history repeated again in the evening!!! Just now, he was playing with a piece of leaflet. I saw him grabbing it and I thought just give him a minute to smash the leaflet while I get my things done first. Who know he was real fast.. By the time I turned my head around he was chewing and swallowing something yummy!! For Godsake I immediately took away the leaflet and found a fraction of it was gone.. it was nowhere to be found so I am very sure the balance is in Jayden's tummy.. that was barely less than a minute!! :(

I feel so terrible now.. I need to be extra careful and cautious about what goes into Jayden's hands will ultimately go into his mouth!


Peggy said...

Don't feel terrible! A little bit of paper won't do too much harm! You can look for it in his next poop :)

J is so fast though, I can totally picture this active boy moving around and causing troubles and I love it!

Rachel L said...

You are right Peggy! J is so fast. Though most of the time J was driving me nuts but when come to think of it.. that's so cute.. and he is just a baby exploring new things!! :P

Sometimes it makes me feel confused whether I should be angry or happy.. but hell yea I'm enjoying every bit of it! It's crazy!!