RL Success Journal

Here are the piece and parcel that make up all the little precious and joyous footsteps of my motherhood life in pursue of happiness and success...



A few more days JJ will turn one. I am very excited about it. Hehehe..

At this stage, JJ enjoys to push, throw, and knock everything down. He enjoys seeing things fall and I guess he thinks it's fun! Hehe.. Recently, he took my handphone and.. well, he still put it into his mouth most of the time but he do babbles at the phone.. I think he knows that he can speak thru (or to???) it. :p

As reckon by a friend, I tried using some sign language with JJ. Whenever I said "give me, give me", I will reach out my hand and surprisingly after a few times, he gives me the toy!! Yay!! And vice versa, but everytime before I even blurted out "nah, give you" he already reached his hand for the toy.. Hahaha

JJ also likes games where he can put smaller things into the bigger things (containers/bags). So, he enjoys putting his toys in the toys bag, and then dump them out. He loves to dump everything out from the bag especially the diapers!!! He will throw them everywhere and make sure he scatters them on the floor!!

1 comment:

Tandanie said...

Well done! It's a good achievement... Try to get him "stacking cups" toys since he likes putting smaller thing into a bigger thing. Later he can learn stacking too