RL Success Journal

Here are the piece and parcel that make up all the little precious and joyous footsteps of my motherhood life in pursue of happiness and success...



I am very happy today. We had a very fun, fruitful and completely satisfying afternoon.

I have been very excited about today for the passed one week.. because I have arranged for Jayden to attend a trial class at Gymboree! It was a great experience! :)

As a new mommy, I know nothing about raising up a child. But I totally agree and believe in early education especially the first few years of childhood including infancy. Thus, I have been doing a lot of researches and findings about early childhood education.

As far as a true believer of early education, since JJ turned 6months, I have been wanting to enrol him to play and learn classes so he can explore more about the new world he has been "brought" into. However, there were times that I hold back and think twice, partially due to financial incompetence as I am no longer having a consistent income.

Not just that, I also believe that I would be able to learn more especially in how to educate JJ as well as how I should behave and what I should do in controlling my EQ so not to have any negative or wrong input that may affect JJ's upbringing.

A visit to Gymboree let me experienced and learned, though it was just a short 45 minutes session. And the most amazing thing is, JJ learned a lot! It has been months I was trying to get him to wave goodbye and he just refused to do so. By this one visit to 'play and learn' session, JJ surprised me by waving goodbye happily and excitedly to the participating "teachers"!!

When I bathed him just now, I sang him songs that I have been singing to him for months (which were so happened also being sang in the class just now). This time, JJ responded very differently from normal times. He smiled and laughed as if he remembered the fun he was having in the center!

I am very happy with my decision to sign up for the membership at Gymboree and I am committed to bring JJ there as I know this is definitely a means for me to learn together with him.

Not just that, I really do not wish to waste his first few years, well, I did not utilized his first year wisely and I know I cannot rewind time and do it again. I really do not want to waste more time and regret more.

I seriously think that I am in the right frame of mind and clear about my decision after having a deep thought about it for the passed 6 months!! When I tried to share this happiness with hubby just now (Yes, I was too excited!), I am shocked I was being discouraged.

First, I was discouraged that I would not be committed to it. Second, I was discouraged that it might not be suitable for JJ. (I thought it's not tuitions and all, just play and learn???). Third, I was discouraged that I am doing this because I compare with other mommies.. What does it mean? Yup, that's exactly what I asked. And the answer is.. I am being KIASU.. Huh??? What??? Did I hear it clearly??

I never want compare my son with other's but I do share with other mommies about raising child and learn from them what and how I can do better (as I feel I am a pretty dummy mommy esp on my EQ). I never thought of comparing my son but I rather compare myself with other mommies and feel that I am incompetent to educate, thus I need to learn so I can do the right thing at home! I do not want to teach my son the way I was being brought up.. is this all wrong??

Is my determination and dedication considered KIASU? I never ever thought I would be labelled that way.. esp by my own husband, who I thought will fully support me in my decision. I feel very disappointed and kinda devastated. Now that I know that only I share this excitement with myself, but again, I have no regret in signing up for the classes. I will find more money to continue giving this to Jayden, my little precious.

Mommy loves you Jayden. :)

1 comment:

Tandanie said...

Rach, a mommy is not bored but raised through experiences. It's not about being kiasu or what-so-ever!
Every mother is excited about her child's development. Just like myself, even with my early childhood edu background, I have a lot to learn too. I'm not a natural born mommy! So are you!
Great that J can internalized the lesson in Gymboree. There are a lot of such programme and most important is not about the programme... it's the environment! Gymboree has one of the best environment and programme but of course everything come with a price!