RL Success Journal

Here are the piece and parcel that make up all the little precious and joyous footsteps of my motherhood life in pursue of happiness and success...


Table Food

Today is the second day since JJ has been taking table food continuously. Since he refused to take porridge all the time, MIL has decided not to cook porridge for JJ anymore. Hence, I have been trying to give JJ rice, vege, meat (very little), fish and anything that is served to us in the family and suitable to be eaten by JJ.

There are some food that I need to mash or make into small pieces before feeding him as he has no teeth!! :P Since I started feeding him rice and other adult food, I have also been monitoring him closely. Thank god, he is still having normal bowel movement, and he seems happier with his new menu!!!

I think its probably time for JJ to move from baby food to adult food now, just need to be careful on the amount of sugar and sodium intake. :)


Peggy said...

Wow already! How time flies! It's a whole new world of taste and texture to him now! The teeth will come soon enough - try to give him food with more calcium - that will help!

Tandanie said...

Great! Hopefully J will grow some teeth after eating fish...