RL Success Journal

Here are the piece and parcel that make up all the little precious and joyous footsteps of my motherhood life in pursue of happiness and success...



Jayden is in love with firetruck lately.. Well he falls in love with firetruck for a while already, but engrossed with it lately.. Haha..

He insists to watch Barney's "Firetruck" shows all the time without fail. Not just that, whenever the firetrucks appears on the show, he will shout "Wowowowowww!!" He is sooooooooo CUTE!!! I can't stop laughing admiring his expression every time!! :o)

I just love watching all his expressions all the time.. I found it so cute.. Sometimes when I was bored at night, I will just lay down beside him, smelling and admiring him.. :)

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