RL Success Journal

Here are the piece and parcel that make up all the little precious and joyous footsteps of my motherhood life in pursue of happiness and success...


Being Creative and Imaginative

Jayden is showing a different game plan since he turns 2. Playing with his favorite toys forklifts and trucks is never be the same again.. He started lifting big and small things with his forklifts (yea, it is super forklifts) from things as big as a bolster and as small as a toothpick! :o)

He is able to categorize things of different colors together.. For example, when I ask him where is his red forklift, he will first find his red forklift and after that, he will search for other red stuffs that he has and says "more red".. and so on with other color such as blue, yellow and so on..

We received some Montessori toys for Jayden's birthday present and he seems to be playing them well too.. He is imaginative enough to connect the railways, running the train on the track, stack up the bricks (which I dunno why they are there for!), lifting the bricks up with his forklift, and let his trucks running over the bricks too!! Lately he also plays forklift fights with Daddy.. That's a rough boy play! Hehehe

Jayden poses with his forklifts around
Playing forklift fights with Daddy

He has also identified the North-South pole of the magnet.. Of course he hasn't understood the different terms of North and South, but he has definitely gotten the idea that one side will attach and the other expel. :o)

Experimenting the magnetic fields :o)

Attach and move the train and cargo

Moving on different surface..

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