RL Success Journal

Here are the piece and parcel that make up all the little precious and joyous footsteps of my motherhood life in pursue of happiness and success...


Table Dance

Early this morning, about an hour after Jayden woke up in the morning, he insisted me to turn on his favorite Baby Noah DVD.. As a person who does not encourage too much movie time for young toddler, I ended up giving in after his persistent attempts.

Half way through the show, Jayden started clearing half of the table for some reasons. Then, he climbed on top of the table which was highly discouraged by me again, but this time I would like to see what he has in mind. So I asked him why he wanna climb onto the table as it was pretty dangerous to do so.

Then, the music was played (I think he can memorize the whole show) and he started dancing each time the music came by (there will be music everytime a new animal is being introduced). Without a camera in hand, I quickly grab my phone and here are some low quality shots of Jayden's table dance.. :o)

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