RL Success Journal

Here are the piece and parcel that make up all the little precious and joyous footsteps of my motherhood life in pursue of happiness and success...


Dairy Products

Since Jayden turns 2, I have been introducing some mild dairy products to Jayden. Nonetheless, most of the food that I introduce to him lately are of those he had been having before but showing allergy reactions.

However, this time around, the allergy reactions seem to be much milder than previously. The food that I tried feeding him including food with traces of milk, soy, egg and nuts such as rice crackers, and food that has milk as part of the ingredients such as yogurt, Rocky biscuit sticks, white bread, cultured drink, milk chocolate, chocolate spread and cheese slices.

So far these are the food that are at the acceptable level for him. I will try to progressively introduce a wider range of food to him.. Hopefully by 3 he will be able to be 100% immune to dairy products. :o)

As for egg, I have not officially tested it on him. But during our few dine out lately, Jayden seems to be reacting to some of the food that we are eating (mainly at the hawker stalls that are frying noodles with eggs). I seriously think that's the reaction to the egg as they don't use any cow milk produce there. Maybe I will try to let him has traces of eggs again in about 3-6months time and observe his reactions..

Meanwhile, I have not been working on soy and nuts products. Guess I will try on soy products in probably about 3 months time, and nuts should be on a later stage as the paediatrician does not really encourage me to introduce nuts to Jayden till he is 5, possibly.

And the good news is.. our fridge is for the first time being stored with plenty of cow milk produces.. which plenty of them have been longing for by.. who else but Mimi.. :P

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