RL Success Journal

Here are the piece and parcel that make up all the little precious and joyous footsteps of my motherhood life in pursue of happiness and success...


Winter Solstice Season

Happy Winter Solstice!!!

We sort of celebrated the Winter Solstice Day yesterday. It is a Chinese culture of have some yummy "tong yuen" (glutinuous balls) with the family on the day.

Nevertheless, we had our 'tong yuen' back in in-laws' yesterday. MIL cooked some colorful plain tong yuen. I gave some to JJ but after having his first bite of 'tong yuen', he was running around trying to escape me for the second one. Oh I forgot to mention that when he was having his first bite, he gave a shiver!!! Muahaha.. I guess he really didn't like it.. LOLs..

Hubby wasn't a real fan for tong yuen at all. So he didn't have much. I love tong yuen but never the plain one in sweet dessert. All in all, we didn't have much.

Guess what? Hubby never liked tong yuen in his whole life till I introduced to him the tong yuen with fillings inside. Upon having his first bite on it, he changed his perception about tong yuen and fell head over heels with it! :o)

Today, I am making red bean paste with black sesame tong yuen (it's tong yuen with black sesame filling). This is my all time favorite tong yuen!! So I am gonna have a feast on these little lovelies.. Hehehe

Jayden had his first bite on the black sesame tong yuen just now and he loved it!! He kept running around trying to escape for the plain tong yuen, but he kept saying "more ball ball" for the black sesame tong yuen. This little baby has gotten good taste ain't he?!! :P

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