RL Success Journal

Here are the piece and parcel that make up all the little precious and joyous footsteps of my motherhood life in pursue of happiness and success...


Exposure in School

It is moving into 3rd week of school term now.. time flies!! That means JJ has been going to school for 2 weeks (2hr x 6days) by now and he learns things really fast.. Other than the Amazing Dance, whenever I sing The Goodbye Song, he will wave his hands (he remembers it's time to go home!) :P

Oh talking about waving goodbye, JJ also know how to blow a kiss too!!! Well.. I seriously do not know how the older generations come out with this word pronounced as "flan kiss", but it simply means blow a kiss! When I was a kid, I really thought "French Kiss" = "blow a Kiss" until I met my husband and he told me it is not!! Well, anyway, too bad, I have also taught my lil' JJ "flan kiss" (which I pronounced as "friend kiss", I simply make it up cuz there ain't no such term as 'flan kiss'). So whenever I said "friend kiss", JJ will stuck his index finger into his mouth.. Muahahah!! :P

JJ always surprises us with new skills! One of them is that he can now play with the stacking toys. Well, there are plenty of toys at school that he can play with, but I didn't realize that he pick up skills just by watching others playing. One fine day last week, he played his cousin's stacking cups and to our surprise, he could stack them up in the right order! I'm surprised! Though it might not be everytime but well, I'm undeniably an excited parent! Hahaha. :P

Jayden has also been walking a lot these 2days.. Yup, I mean walking without support, though it's rather short distances. I am glad that he has gathered his courage to walk, he finds it funny to walk, though sometimes he still prefers crawling (it's faster!) :P

I am very happy that I made the decision to put JJ in this school as the experience and exposure definitely help him to pick up new skills as well as stimulate his brain development. I do highly recommend our school to everyone: Steps Ahead Learners (http://www.stepsaheadlearners.com/). Kindly check out our school at Bangsar Shopping Complex (BSC). I'm an assistant teacher there, learning and going to be a great teacher!! :o)

1 comment:

Tandanie said...

Wow! Sounded fun now... So when J can walk more independently we can have picnic at the park... I have been wanting to have picnic!