RL Success Journal

Here are the piece and parcel that make up all the little precious and joyous footsteps of my motherhood life in pursue of happiness and success...


Finally... A TOOTH!!!! :o)

Finally.. there is a tooth!

OMG.. finally his first incisor cut through at around 3pm today!! WOW!! :o)
We were at hubby's office during that time while Jayden and I were waiting in the car for daddy. While we were busy playing, suddenly I saw a fine blood cut on JJ's gum.. and my first expression was.. "Oh noooo.. did you cut yourself Jayden??"

In the next nanosecond, it came to my conscious that it could be a tooth!! I tried all my best to get JJ to smile and let me have a clear look at the cut! :P I was pretty confirmed it was a tooth, because it did show a bit of white stuff!!!! Hehehe..

About 30minutes to an hour later, I checked again and YAY!!! I saw a tooth emerging!! The white stuff is finally out!! Hahaha.. I was so happy and I put my finger (clean of course!!!) to get a feel if it's real and YES!! IT'S REAL!! :P It hurts too then he bites me.. hahaha..

I tried to take a picture of it but it is still not really visible in the photos. I might just wait another week so the tooth is more obvious.. perhaps there will be two by then??? I read that teeth come in pair!! :o)

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