RL Success Journal

Here are the piece and parcel that make up all the little precious and joyous footsteps of my motherhood life in pursue of happiness and success...


A Mind of a 13months

Time is flying fast.. JJ is growing up fast and he is learning faster!! As a 13 month baby-toddler, JJ has already developed a frame of personality and a mind of his own. He can easily express to us what his feeling (happy, sad, excited, disappointed, etc), what he likes and dislikes, as well as expressing his thoughts through actions.

The leap in his learning amazes me (slightly worries me too!!) that he has learned to play with emotions! I guess that is part and partial of his learning about emotions?!?! Somehow, I start to apply a little discipline with him knowing that he his milestone has gone beyond my expectation. Sometimes, I will be firm on my words especially when I know he is testing me and pushing my limits. I believe there is a certain level of firmness needed to be applied but when he isn't listening, I just try other alternative.

It is really sad when it hurts (I hit his hand today! Ouch!!). He is hurt but I think I am super hurt too!!! Thus, I think I will go back on my "love and explanation" approach rather than "fear and punishment". :'(

Other than that, he has developed a sense of JEALOUSY!!! It's all started at school when there are other children comes to me for comfort, and nevertheless, I need to comfort them when they cry!!! This is when JJ will get really jealous. He will show his dislikes by crying and putting his head (facedown) on the floor (that's his action of being really sad and disappointed!).

Sometimes, he appears to be stronger whereas he will come to me and push the other kid away from me. It was really a fiasco to me especially on yesterday, when three of them (including JJ) were jealous and pushing each other away from me. There was a time when I have to carry two of them, when they were still pushing each other in my grib!!! OMG..

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