RL Success Journal

Here are the piece and parcel that make up all the little precious and joyous footsteps of my motherhood life in pursue of happiness and success...


Lack of confidence?

Just now Jayden was trying to tell me something while we were on the way home from Small Apple.

Jayden: "Daiant..fo.. rus"
Mommy: What's that??

After a few repeats, I finally figured what he was trying to tell me..

Jayden: "Dai..ent.. forest"
Mommy: Oh.. Do you mean to say Tyran Forest?
Jayden: Yes!!

All the sudden, he blurted this out:

Jayden: I don't know. I can't talk! (start to show his extremely sad face)

It took me some time to keep giving him positive encouragement.. Not getting a happy face yet but at least he wasn't whining anymore.. Hmm.. :S

Now that we are home and while watching Dora with him, he kept repeating that word so familiar to me.. and I know what he was saying.. It was "Giant Forest!"

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