RL Success Journal

Here are the piece and parcel that make up all the little precious and joyous footsteps of my motherhood life in pursue of happiness and success...


Picky J

It's been 3days since J started eating congee. :)

Grandma is getting a lil' lazy today. Instead of making dried scallop pork congee, she made a plain tasteless pork congee without dried scallop. According to Vicky and Brian (J's cousins), the congee is tasteless and well.. they don't like it.

Without giving any suspicious thought, Grandma prepares some congee for lil' J, hoping that someone will like her congee today. To her surprise, when J tasted the first gulp, he was making noises.. Grandma was wondering hard if J felt that it's tasteless too..

Trying to convince herself that lil' J was not that smart, she kept on feeding her with the second spoon. J closed his mouth tight not wanting to eat. And when he opens his little mouth, Grandma quickly fed him, and he pushed everything out with his little tongue.. and made the sound "werrrr..." Hahaha..

Now we know.. little J is very picky on his food.. and what's more.. he isn't a dumb dumb on food.. no compromise.. lol..

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